Best Budget-Friendly Cleaner: KAZ PC1F Protec Humidifier Tank Cleaner

Can we talk about humidifiers?

Humidifiers are wonderful, but require regular cleaning to avoid all sorts of nasty buildup. Whether you have an ultrasonic or evaporative humidifier, you are supposed to clean it regularly.

But let’s be honest: even the most diligent humidifier user doesn’t clean the tank as often as recommended by the maker. And if you are like us, you may forget for a week (or two . . . or three) to clean it.

That’s where humidifier cleaners come in—just pop one into your humidifier tank and poof! The cleaner kills bacteria and mold growth, especially if you use tap water in your humidifier.

For the best budget-friendly humidifier cleaner, we liked KAX PC1F Protec humidifier cleaner. Yes, this is a super cute fish (kudos to the designer who thought of that idea) that kills nasty stuff. Here’s more:

What We Liked

• Easy to use.

• No harsh chemicals—this cleaner uses a small amount of silver as an antimicrobial to do the job.

• Super cute.

• Works for 30 days.

• Kills 99% of odor-causing bacteria, mold and algae growth.

What Needs Work

• Too big for smaller tank openings. Yes, the fish is cute, but some smaller humidifiers have narrow tanks . . . and it may not fit! The fish  is 3″ wide by 7″ long. 

• Sometimes knocks into the side of tank . . . which can be annoying if used in the bedroom (and you are a light sleeper).

Best Longer-Lasting Cleaner: Guardian Technologies GGHS15 Aquastick Antimicrobial Humidifier Treatment

The cute fish humidifier cleaners work well, but only last for 30 days. If you want something that lasts longer, we’d suggest this cleaner: Guardian Technologies GGHS15 Aquasticks.

No, they aren’t as cute, but these sticks last longer than 30 days. In our tests, they were effective for two to three months (close to the maker’s claim of 90 days). Here’s more:

What We Liked

 Easy to use.

• Narrow stick fits into all sizes of humidifier tanks.

• Lasts 2-3 months based on our tests.

• No harsh chemicals (active ingredient is silver).

• Reduces growth of mold and bacteria.

What Needs Work

• Doesn’t eliminate white dust from ultrasonic humidifiers. That’s because the white dust is caused by hard water . . . and this cleaner doesn’t affect the hardness of your water. This is true for most humidifier cleaners, however—they are effective against bacteria and mold, but the white dust still happens.

Best Cleaner + Descaler: BONECO EXCal 7417 Humidifier Cleaner & Descaler

Most humidifier cleaners do a good job at keeping bacteria and mold at bay—but they don’t address the scale from hard water that can build up inside a humidifier tank. If scale builds up, it can affect the humidifier performance . . . and shorten its life.

This cleaner and descaler by BONECO does a good job at both cleaning and descaling a humidifier, based our tests and feedback from our parent readers. Here’s more:

What We Liked

• Use every 2 weeks.

• Made in the USA.

• Easy to use.

• Works in 30 minutes for an average amount of scale. You fill up the tank with water and a packet of this cleaner/descaler and let it sit for 30 minutes, then rinse.

• Key ingredient is food-grade citric acid.

What Needs Work

• Pricey.

Best Compatible Cleaner: ProTec PC-2 Humidifier Tank Cleaning Cartridge

This cleaner is the same as the Protec PC1F, except the form factor—the PC1F is a fish (hence the F) and the PC-2 is a floating ball. The advantage: the ball can fit into more humidifier tanks than the fish, making it a more compatible choice. Otherwise, it has the same pros and cons as the first pick.

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